What's On the blog?

All things local and Portrait photography related

Welcome! Looking for the inside scoop?

Sure, I share my portrait photography work here. Prep guides, behind-the-scenes, and helpful tips for those planning a portrait session. But at some point I saw a need and decided to take this blog a step further by sharing some non-portrait related things as well. Relevant to my audience, of course, but not strictly limited to photography.

I have found that a lot of my clients are transplants, or new parents on the hunt for ways to connect and grow with their children in the Shenandoah Valley, and since helping people discover ways to connect as a family and in their community is something I feel passionately about, I began compiling resources to share with those unsure of what to look for, or where to begin. If you have any questions I'd be happy to help provide answers or point you in the direction of someone that can! In the meantime, welcome–and happy discovering!

clothes drying on a clothesline
toddler plays with sprinkler
brothers play in sprinkler
toddler stands in sprinkler in the glow of a summer sunset