One of the first questions my clients usually ask is "What locations do you recommend?"

So without further ado, here is a long overdue round-up of some of my absolute favorite locations for photoshoots in the Shenandoah Valley/Stephens City/Winchester and surrounding area. Just click each corresponding photo for a link to their website or location for more information!

The VA State Arboretum/Blandy

There's a reason I put this one first! This is one of my go-to locations, and a very popular choice among my clients. From the on-site bathrooms (yay for potty breaks and clothing changes!) to the beautiful building, gardens and grounds-- Blandy is historic, wonderfully kept and incredibly diverse from the bamboo forest to the wetlands area. In the spring, the gardens and trees are alive blossoming and blooming, and there's a field of yellow daffodils that charms me year after year. In summer, the grassy field and wooden "boardwalk" area draw my attention. In fall, the Ginkgo grove attracts locals as well as travelers from afar with its vibrant yellow show. Even in winter it is beautiful! I can go there time after time and have every session still look unique. Free entry. Located just off of rt. 50 a little past the McD's in Waterloo.

The Va State Arboretum's famous Ginkgo Grove at peak color is to die for!

Abram's Delight in Winchester

This is another popular spot and it's near my home, which affords greater flexibility with session timing and availability.

There are bathrooms sometimes open at the nearby Jim Barnett Park, but they're not always predictably open. This spot is great if there are multiple little ones, because there are several options for backdrops without a great deal of walking like some other locations. I especially like this location for shorter sessions.

It is also right in the middle of Winchester, so it's a very convenient location for many who live in town that are still looking for more natural scenery.

Abram's Delight is another historic spot, with no added fees for being on the grounds or taking photos there. If you're interested in touring the historic home there is a charge, but it's not required.

I have done the tour and it's neat to learn about the location as well, so you should check it out!

The building is beautiful, and the garden area quaint and picturesque. Jim Barnett part is right next door with the creek and pond so some clients choose to shoot both places.

I took this beautiful girl's newborn photos at Abram's Delight (she was born at the perfect time of year for this!), also!

The Shenandoah River

I have a thing for natural bodies of water. I always have, always will, and the river is no exception! We now camp along the river as a family every year (both pregnant and with two small children), and the last two summers I've convinced my husband to let me photograph him with my boys there. They are some of my absolute favorite photos!

Depending on where along the river, there are no bathrooms available, but if you're looking for something unique and you're water obsessed like me, I will be over the moon to plan that session with you.

Be ready to get your feet wet! The Strasburg River Walk is the nearest public access point to me.

This Strasburg High Senior chose to have some of her photos taken at the nearby Shenandoah River

Oldtown Winchester

I've taken photos in our historic downtown area many times. It happens to be one of my husband's favorite local spots, so we like to go as a family or for date nights.

The Oldtown Walking Mall in downtown Winchester is historic, quaint, and makes you feel like you walked onto a movie set. The storefronts are classic!

Plus, there's good food (El Centro is a fave of mine, while my husband loves Tropical Island Coffee & Cafe) and coffee (thank you Espresso Bar & Cafe!), and public restrooms nearby. I am totally game for a session on our oldtown walking mall any day!

Photo captured on Winchester's Oldtown Walking Mall

Sherando, Jim Barnett, Rose Hill or Clearbrook Park

I know this is actually four locations, but they're very similar in what they offer and this post will be too long if I include each separately. All except Rose Hill have a pond area and playground, and they all have some wooded areas and trails. Depending on where you're located one of these could be an easy location choice for you! Chances are, one of them isn't too far from your home.

A sweet maternity photo taken at Sherando Park

The Museum of the Shenandoah Valley/MSV Gardens

This is the only location on this list that requires a fee for entry and professional photography. But I had to include it! It's absolutely beautiful. My husband proposed to me here, so it admittedly also holds a sentimental place in my heart! The gardens are expansive and beautifully kept. It's less sprawling than Blandy, so not quite as much walking is required to reach different preferred locations. Even if you don't plan a session there, you need to check it out!

The spot my now husband popped the question (in 2016)!

Marker-Miller Orchards

I love this farm so much that my husband and I almost chose it for our wedding venue but the logistics didn't work out for us.

The staff are incredibly accommodating and sweet, the market has delicious goodies in season, and the orchards are beautiful for a truly rustic/farm setting in summer and fall especially. Be warned that if you have kids they'll be begging to try out the incredible playground before you leave.

Plan a fun day for the whole family and go apple picking, too!

Marker-Miller is known for their pick-your-own activities! Couldn't resist taking this closeup during apple harvest.

Longbranch Historic House and Farm

Longbranch is another lesser known but beautiful historic spot in the Shenandoah Valley. The view of the horses and mountain ridge is one of my favorites (horse lover and former owner here)! Open daily dawn to dusk, admission by donation. It's also located off of Rt. 50 not far from Blandy.

Photo from an extended family session (in 2013?!) taken at Longbranch by special request.

Lake Frederick

Lake Frederick is another location I personally chose to have photos taken! The lake on one side and mountains in the distance on the other make for a serenely beautiful place to just sit and reflect, picnic, fish, or canoe. Or you know, capture some fabulous photos at sunset.

It's typically fairly quiet and tucked back in an unlikely location just off of 522 near Dinosaur Land.

Photo of a charmer from a recent session at Lake Frederick

Bear's Den/Mountain Overlook

Okay, I'll be honest. I've never taken a client to Bear's Den. But I've been there myself multiple times over the years and it's a favorite spot for a lot of locals because the view is spectacular.

Many of my clients have very little children so prefer something simpler and safer, but I'm kind of itching to take a couple or older family! There's an upper parking location that brings it within easy walking distance. You know you adventurous souls out there want to...

Located off Rt. 7, technically in Bluemont.

Check it out:

What locations do YOU love that are not on this list?

I'm always on the hunt for new locations and have had the pleasure of photographing many families in private locations and homes, also.

For booking, contact me today by clicking here for my website contact form, by texting or calling 540-533-1180 or by email at!