toddler boy plays in dirt with construction equipment toys

Northern VA Photographer Preserving Their Best Childhood Memories

As I type this, it occurs to me that not everyone had the privilege of the summer adventures that I did as a child. And to others still, it's probably even a bit strange. But for my husband and I, summer memories like these are some of the highlights of our childhood. Playing in the dirt, sweating like a pig but having too much fun to care about things like sweat while the only thing you could smell was the honeysuckle floating across the breeze as the cicadas, crickets and birds chimed in with song. All of your senses overwhelmed with summer's sweet, sticky, hot embrace. I can almost feel it!

I recently posted on my social media asking mothers of older children what they most regret not having photos of when their kids were little. For many, the answers were simply photos of the everyday life they lived. For most, it was photos of them WITH their children doing the everyday. Between reading those responses and the nostalgia of summer hitting me like the wall of humidity when I step outside my home, I decided to be more intentional. Both about the memories we make this summer and the photos I take of my boys as we make them. Sure, I'm still taking the posed fine art portraits too. I love love love them! But I also want to capture the everyday fun that they experience in a beautiful and creative but simple way. And further, as intimidating as it sounds I'm going to be recruiting my husband to capture some with me in them also. I want my boys to look back and remember and see me sharing life with them, too! My husband wasn't around this particular evening so I just photographed them doing their thing.

Question: Is it normal to ask your neighbor if your boys can play in his unused dirt pile? #boymom

Many thanks to Mr. Jeff for not only saying yes but for being considerate enough to suggest we move some dirt away from the poison ivy plagued tree line because that's one summer tradition none of us are eager to pass on to the littles! The boys had a blast. We were all filthy. My legs ached for a few days from all the squats I did to shoot on their level and chase my little guy around. And next time: bug spray. Because this sweet southern-blooded mama is not a mosquito drive-thru.

We all got baths/showers after because the sprinkler still left a lot behind (darn it!). The next day my oldest asked what was all over the bottom of the tub. Dirt, my love. Dirt. And that is a sign of a happy childhood.

As a photographer I love to photograph those childhood memories we tend to remember most fondly. The long summer nights, the crisp fall weather and beautiful foliage, a freshly fallen snow. If the nostalgia captured here resonates with you, reach out and I'll help you plan a session like this for your children! I'm based in Winchester but serve the Northern Virginia area as well.

Toddler boy plays in dirt
closeup of toddler hand and foot in dirt
toddler head with a coating of dirt
dirt pours off a toy shove as a toddler enjoy his evening outdoors
boy carefully carries a toy shovelful of dirt in evening outdoor play
toddler picks up sprinkler on the verge of soaking himself
toddler plays in sprinkler
brothers enjoy a summer evening in the sprinkler
toddler is soaked from head to toe from a sprinkler
toddler clothes dripping from a clothesline
toddler clothes hang to dry on clothesline