Chapter 2. Fireflies in June

As Promised, part 2 of my Childhood in Summer series with my kids... albeit later than intended.

I wanted to sort of recapture this childhood favorite of mine and share the experience with my boys so it was on my mental checklist.

And then one evening my eldest called from his bedroom asking what the yellow things were outside his window. So of course we went out as a family then and there to catch some fireflies and show him this summer marvel! Full disclosure: that wasn't the day these photos were captured. We went back out to take these on an evening that I was more prepared and he wasn't already in his jammies.

As a side note, for some reason in my head fireflies usually make their appearance a bit later in July. But this was June 29th, which granted maybe the hot weather caused them to come out earlier but they had been out a bit before these were taken.

These photos are treasures to me... even the one where he's crying. Now I will say I don't usually share photos of my kids crying. And I try to always be sympathetic to them and never laugh at their tears (where they can see... sometimes I laugh in secret if I'm honest). I kept catching this bug and bringing it back to him and then he'd let it go again on purpose. Finally I was tired of doing the work of catching for him and told him he'd need to keep it from escaping or catch it himself. He intentionally let it go... only this time I didn't stop it from flying away and suddenly he realized with great devastation that his beloved bug was gone forever.

But like a summer storm the tears were gone as quickly as they came and he continued to enjoy his time outside.

Little brother was outside also but was more interested in running into the woods than having his photo taken or catching fireflies. I did capture a few with him but did a fine art edit with one of them unlike these more basic edits of my oldest. I'll include that fine art image at the end of this post.

Enjoy the sweet nostalgia of part 2 of my Childhood in Summer Series!

A boy and his stick outside on a summer evening
A closeup of a child's hand holding a firefly
boy cries as favorite firefly flies away
close-up of smiling boy
toddler boy hides behind leaves
boy looks at fireflies in jar
boy peers through jar of fireflies at camera
boy looks in jar of fireflies entranced